The idea was never to establish a ministry...
We were simply awed by the incarnation of the Father’s Eternal Son. The implications of Jesus’ very existence consumed our thoughts. So, Christ In All Nations (CIAN) isn't merely an organization; it's an ongoing revelation of our Christic Identity.
Discovering Christ within us leads us to share this sonship with people worldwide!
We didn’t set out to establish a ministry. We were simply awed by the incarnation of the Father’s Eternal Son. The implications of Jesus’ very existence consumed our thoughts. So, Christ In All Nations (CIAN) isn’t merely an organization; it’s an ongoing revelation of our Christic Identity. We seek to understand and experience our adoption in Christ, sharing our journey with others. Our ‘ministry’ is to rediscover the trinitarian gospel of the early church and share it widely. We accomplish this through relationships, teaching, preaching, and making our materials accessible. We believe the church, ekklesia, transcends buildings and organizations. It’s the voice of God resonating within humanity, unveiling our true spiritual origin and identity. Embrace listening with your heart, not just your mind, and prayerfully surrender control to cooperate with God’s work in the world.
Unveiling the Son of God in the nations, liberating masses to proclaim the same sonship in their world. True Christian faith isn’t about humanity seeking favor from deity or influencing an irritable god’s mood. It’s the revelation of God’s love reconciling a hostile world to Himself. Instead of accusing others on the left or right, Jesus stood in radical solidarity with the problem itself, rarely offering specific solutions. Instead, his solidarity and compassion brought healing. Jesus didn’t come to appease an angry God but to reveal the goodness of God to a disinterested and hostile humanity. In today’s religious, environmental, and political climate, our compassionate engagement is urgent and vital. When we realize our oneness with God, others, and creation, actions of justice and healing naturally ensue.
Our Vision at CIAN has always been to reach the entire world with life-transforming truth, irrespective of language, location, or financial status. Christ In All Nations (CIAN) serves as a beacon of spiritual wisdom and guidance, fostering both inner and outer transformation. If you’re passionate about joining this mission, you and your team will collaborate to discover, engage, and lead non-believers to faith. Our teams actively disciple new believers, equip them for gospel sharing, and support national workers in reaching the unreached. With our Church Planting vision, we engage in contextualized church planting, training, and evangelism efforts tailored to each region’s needs.